Asperbras Energia begins activities of Guarapuava Biomass Plant

Asperbras Energia begins activities of Guarapuava Biomass Plant

The Biomass Thermal Power Plant of Guarapuava, located in the south-central region of the state of Paraná, is already fully operational. The Asperbras Group acquired the unit, which was paralyzed, and promoted renovations that put it into operation, with an expansion of its capacity to generate 10 MW.

The plant works with waste from reforested wood produced in the region. The boiler of the plant has a capacity for 53 metric tons per hour of superheated steam production, with daily consumption of 460 metric tons of chips in the boiler. Its energy production indirectly supplies the GreenPlac plant in Água Clara (MS). The plant’s energy is sold to the local market, resulting in funds that are used by the company to acquire energy in the market of Mato Grosso do Sul.

AsperbrasAsperbras Energiabiomass plantenergy
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