The new Bonolat plant, owned by José Roberto Colnaghi, of the Asperbras Group, starts operating

The dairy factory opens its doors in advance to initiate operational adjustments and move the economy of the region in the face of the COVID-19 crisis
The new Bonolat plant, owned by José Roberto Colnaghi, of the Asperbras Group, starts operating

In the midst of so many uncertainties in the world’s economic scenario due to COVID-19, one of the companies in the Asperbras Group goes against the power of bad news. On May 1, the day on which Labor Day is celebrated, the industrial plant of the new Bonolat unit, in Penápolis, São Paulo, begins to run. “This is not a grand opening. We decided to start producing in advance in order to make the operational and machinery adjustments and gradually encourage the economy of the region”, says José Roberto Colnaghi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Asperbras Group.

In this first moment, it will direct its efforts towards the production of long life milk, in high demand in the country. Once this stage is consolidated, the administrative and productive processes will be reassessed in order to start the production of powdered milk.

Despite anticipating the start of activities, the Asperbras Group has no set date for the official inauguration of the new plant. According to José Roberto Colnaghi, all these measures are being taken so that the event can happen when the country has already overcome the coronavirus crisis and is experiencing a scenario of greater economic stability. In the future, the company will expand production, generating new jobs in several sectors and, consequently, changing the economic profile of Penápolis (SP) and region. “Our intention is to inject breath into the economy, meet the demand for milk and motivate the milk production chain,” guarantees the businessman.

Community aid

In addition to the early start of activities to adjust machinery and encourage the local economy, Bonolat is preparing to help those in need during the crisis generated by the coronavirus. The industry will donate 8,000 bags, each containing 3 liters of milk, to families in several neighborhoods around Penápolis (SP).

“This donation is a way of helping the community that has always welcomed us”, explains José Roberto Colnaghi.

Economic impact

The pandemic that hit all countries directly impacted the world economy and will impose a great challenge on all governments to resume activities. Due to the restrictions on social interaction, almost all sectors are being affected economically. Only those essential to the population, such as the dairy industry, are performing better.

“The food industry, agribusiness and health services will assist in the recovery of the Brazilian economy and Bonolat is already part of this movement,” says José Roberto  Colnaghi.


BonolatJosé Roberto Colnaghi
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